Why Choose Us ?

Quality Assurance:

Pelican Agro Trading Limited is committed to producing high-quality sisal products. Our rigorous quality control measures ensure that our customers receive premium-grade sisal that meets international standards.

Experience and Expertise:

With years of experience in the sisal industry, Pelican Agro Trading Limited has developed a deep understanding of cultivation, harvesting, and processing techniques. Our team of experts ensures that every step of the production process is handled with precision and care.

Sustainable Practices:

Pelican Agro Trading Limited is dedicated to sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly practices. We prioritize eco-friendly cultivation methods to minimize our ecological footprint and contribute to the long-term health of the planet.

Wide Range of Sisal Products:

Our diverse product range includes various sisal-based products, catering to different industrial and consumer needs. Whether you require raw sisal fibers, yarns, or finished goods, Pelican Agro Trading Limited has a comprehensive offering.

Global Reach:

Pelican Agro Trading Limited operates on a global scale, serving clients in diverse markets. Our wide distribution network ensures timely delivery and accessibility for businesses across continents.

Innovation and Technology:

Embracing modern technologies, Pelican Agro Trading Limited invests in innovative solutions to enhance the efficiency of sisal production. We stay abreast of industry advancements to continually improve our processes.

Customer-Centric Approach:

Pelican Agro Trading Limited prioritizes customer satisfaction. Our responsive customer support team is ready to address inquiries, provide assistance, and ensure a smooth and collaborative business relationship.

Certifications and Compliance:

Committed to quality and transparency, Pelican Agro Trading Limited adheres to industry certifications and standards. Our products comply with regulatory requirements, giving customers confidence in the reliability of our offerings.






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Pelican Agro Trading Company LTD
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